I recently saw something on 60 minutes that showed how plastic pollution in the oceans is killing birds on midway island. This issue has been getting a lot of attention lately. I saw something on one of the nightly news shows about it as well and this is a problem for the fish too. The animals eat the plastic, which they can’t digest, and they die when their stomachs fill up with debris and they can no longer eat. I just want to let everyone know something else I saw and I even rewinded it to make sure I heard it right. 90 percent of the plastic pollution in the waters are caused by Asia and Africa, not the USA! Now I don’t know what percent out of the remaining 10 percent is caused by the USA but I’m pretty sure it’s in the single digits and not the whole 10%! Anyway, I don’t really want to go down that path with this blog post. I like solutions to problems more than I like finger pointing. I found this on Instagram and thought it was awesome! A Mexican company, Biofase, has figured out a way to make straws and cutlery from avocado pits that are biodegradable in 240 days. Avocado pits are a huge industrial waste, so this is a win win situation because other biodegradable products are 40 % more expensive than the oil based plastics, but Biofase products cost the same due to the abundance of the avocado pits. I love this, common sense solutions to major problems and solved by a business! It’s awesome! Businesses like P.F. Chang’s China Bistro, Chili’s Bar & Grill, and Fiesta Americana are already using Biofase products. As the word spreads about this great new product, hopefully businesses around the world will become customers of Biofase! Thanks Biofase, keep innovating and helping our planet! Thank you for reading my blog and please follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at TotallyVeganTom. Click on this link to watch the Biofase video and to get more info about this great product! https://themindunleashed.com/2019/02/biofase-avocado-pits-biodegradable-plastic.html