I recently went to the doctor and I was asking her why doctors don’t tell their patients about how you can reverse heart disease and type 2 diabetes with diet. There are so many sick people walking around with this false sense of security thinking, if they just take a pill then they can continue to eat whatever they want and they will be fine. She responded, we do, we tell them you have to eat right and exercise or chose the pill and most of the time, they choose the pill. When she said that I started thinking, how can someone choose taking a prescription knowing that it’s just masking the symptoms and making their numbers on their bloodwork look good. These drugs aren’t curing anyone, if they were we would have seen a huge decrease in deaths from heart disease and yet it is still our number one killer. Then I thought, they don’t know! They have blindly put their trust in the medical system and truly believe the prescription drugs they are taking will take care of the disease and that they can just go on living their lives. Sadly many of these people end up having heart attacks and strokes, and if they live, their lives are never the same, or worse, they die! There is so much information out there on the benefits of a whole food, plant based, vegan diet, and how you can halt or even reverse the effects of many diseases. I just think that many people don’t realize, they think it’s crazy to even think about the possibility of a diet that doesn’t include animal foods. One thing I have learned since changing my own diet to vegan diet is people really are attached to the animal food they eat. I have heard it all from don’t mess with my cheese, in moderation its not bad, when most people don’t and can’t do moderation, and I even heard one person tell me they couldn’t eat healthy because they were carb intolerant. I never even heard of that last one. People love the food they eat even if it is slowly killing them! I believe people should have the freedom to choose whatever they want to eat, even if it’s killing them. I also believe the correct information about the diseases that eating animal food causes like, heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and colon cancer should be made public and not covered up by big corporations that along with our government are corrupt! I know eating a vegan diet works because I was killing myself with food and probably would have had a major medical event if I didn’t change the food I was eating. That is the purpose of this blog, to expose the Fake News in the food industry and let people know that you have options to prescription drugs. I will continue to post information about the benefits of a vegan diet using information that I have gathered during the last 20 months of my vegan journey. More importantly I will continue to update you on my own progress and share all the information and tips that I am learning every day so anyone who reads my blog will have all the information they need to make their own decision. My hope is that you choose to eat healthy, and don’t choose the pill! Thank you for reading my blog and please follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at TotallyVeganTom. Thanks Tom