Is It Genetic?
Many people think genetics play a major role with diseases. What I am learning is, it’s not as major of a factor as you would think. If you take someone from a country where certain diseases are virtually non existent and then introduce them to our western diet, guess what? They start to get sick with the same diseases that are killing us! A person could have a family history with no heart disease, diabetes, or certain cancers, like colon cancer, and then when introduced to the SAD diet, (Standard American Diet), or western diet, magically all the genetics no longer apply and they get sick! How is that possible if genetics play such a major role? It also works the other way too. It is now known that you can reverse heart disease by just changing to a low fat vegan diet. How is that possible if a person is genetically predisposed? Please click on the link and read the article, colon polyps and colon cancer, by Dr. John McDougall and decide for yourself whether this horrible disease that is estimated to kill more than 51,000 people in the United States this year, and is the number 2 cause of cancer deaths in America, is something that is genetic or is caused by what we put in our mouths everyday! https://www.drmcdougall.com/health/education/health-science/common-health-problems/colon-polyps-and-colon-cancer/
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