I started posting these vegan quotes on social media and decided to turn them into a blog post. Who doesn’t love a great quote? Maybe one of them will inspire you to make a change!

I threw in the Ariana Grande quote for my younger readers. It’s never too early to start eating healthy! Dr. Neal D. Barnard is featured in the documentaries What The Health and Forks Over Knives . He is the grandson and son of physicians. He founded Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) in 1985 because he “wanted to promote preventative medicine.” Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn is a legend in the vegan world. In 1956 he won a gold medal in the Olympics in Melbourne, Australia in men’s rowing and in 1968 he finished his tour as an army surgeon in Vietnam and was awarded the Bronze Star. His wife Ann is the granddaughter of the founder of the Cleveland Clinic. He advocates a low fat vegan diet with no oil or fatty nuts, avocados, or seeds and has proven that you can not only stop, but reverse heart disease.

A true pioneer in health and wellness, with diet. He advised President Bill Clinton after his bypass arteries were clogging again to follow a mostly plant based diet. President Barack Obama appointed Ornish to the Advisory Group on Prevention, Health Promotion, and Integrative and Public Health. His programs are one of just a few covered by Medicaid and Medicare.

Carl Lewis, for those who don’t know, is an American athlete who has won multiple gold medals in multiple Olympics in track and field. Dr. John McDougall is the author of the Starch Solution, one of my favorite books, and is also a pioneer in the health and wellness world. He promotes a starched based whole food plant based vegan diet. He turned his life around after having a stroke at the age of 18. He has inspired me and I have listened to his book multiple times and recommend it to everyone!

T. Colin Campbell PHd is the author of the China Study along with his son Dr. Thomas Campbell. I wrote a review on their book and highly recommend that everyone read it too. I believe genetics is a way for people to rationalize to themselves that there is nothing they can do to improve their situation, that they were just genetically dealt a bad hand in life. Of course this is a false narrative that the medical industry wants you to believe! Dr. Pamela Peeke is an internationally renowned physician, scientist and expert in nutrition, metabolism, and integrative medicine. Dr. Peeke is a physician trained in nutrition and metabolism, which are specialties not usually taught in medical school. Dr. Peeke explains how you can change your genes and by changing your gene expression, when you have children you will also change their genes too! I have not read anything from Dr. Peeke and it was only during the research for this post that I discovered her work. I will definitely be reading more about her as this is fascinating to me and has been a pet peeve of mine when people just blame genetics! Dr. Michael Greger is the author of the awesome book, How Not To Die, and is also featured in the documentary, What The Health. I have not reviewed that book yet but I will, it’s one of my favorite books on health and nutrition!

I have definitely found this last quote to be true, I eat all the time and I feel great and I am loosing weight. Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my blog. Putting this blog post together was a great learning experience for me and I can’t wait to dig deeper through all the information that Dr. Peeke has to offer, stay tuned because I will bring that to you via social media and this blog! TotallyVeganTom