A quick healthy snack for when you’re on the go or just sitting at your desk. Grape Nut Cereal is loaded with iron for those who might be iron deficient. One serving equals a half cup of grape nuts, and has 200 calories and 90 percent of your recommended iron for the day. This combo also will have about 10 grams of fiber, which is really good considering most people get 15 grams or less in a day. This is a major problem cause we should be getting 30-35 grams a day minimum, I get double this amount on most days! Bananas vary in calories. A medium banana is about 105 calories, and a large is about 120 calories, and an extra large banana has about 130 calories. So for about 330 calories you can enjoy a healthy snack packed with vitamins and minerals. I eat this at work just about everyday. Instead of the big bag of cheese popcorn (pre vegan days) or potato chips loaded with fat that are vegan, I now have a much healthier option. If you drive around like I do at work you can easily get bananas, most convienence stores sell them, two for a dollar. One day while at work and eating some grape nuts I decided to mix in a mouthful of banana at the same time and was pleasantly surprised at the taste of this combination. I had grown accustom to the taste of plain grape nuts, because your taste buds do change, but I will tell you that I almost never eat them now without a banana. I’m sure that grape nuts would also be good added to the banana ice cream recipe on this blog too. If there is one thing that I have learned about food is that there are no rules! I have followed this way of thinking since starting my vegan journey and it has served me well. Try different combinations of foods and do not be afraid to experiment for yourself. There is no right way!

Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my blog. I am extremely lucky to have finally figured out a diet that lets me eat as much as I want to and still be healthy, and I want to share it with the world! If you struggle with your weight and love to eat, then a vegan lifestyle could be what you are looking for. I use to be the most finicky eater on the planet, especially when it came to vegetables, so if I could do it, then anybody can! You just have to have an open mind and an attitude that never says I can’t, and only says how can I. Start with a 30 day challenge to adopt a vegan way of eating, your body will thank you and you will see results in the first 10-14 days! Please follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, at TotallyVeganTom!