Halo Mandarins or Cuties are really healthy, and have great nutritional value. They peel easy, and that makes them an awesome snack for people on the go! Halo or Cuties are just a couple of brand names and it really doesn’t matter if it’s a mandarin, tangerine, or a clementine, they are all pretty much the same. It just seems like every time I am in Publix they have the Cuties on sale, but I have tried other brands and they are just fine too.

Mandarins are very healthy with lots of vitamin C and antioxidants to help fight cancer. If you eat just 2-3 of them you get more than your daily allowance for vitamin C. Throw in a little vitamin A, some calcium and fiber and you have a healthy snack. Low in calories and fat, they are a great food to help with weight loss. With eighty percent of the population either overweight, obese, or TOFI (thin on the outside, fat on the inside), mandarins are just what the doctor ordered! These little fruits also can help you with your cholesterol levels helping to lower your LDL levels.

I like mandarins for a couple of reasons, of course healthy snack being number one on the list, they also taste great. They are so sweet and in my opinion taste better than an orange. Mandarins are so easy to eat. Have you ever tried peeling an orange? Not easy! Mandarin oranges peel easy, the skin practically falls off! That also makes them less messy to eat which is a major plus over the orange. They also come in a net mesh bag which rips open easy and makes them easy to carry around. They last about a week at room temperature and 2 weeks in the fridge.

In my office at work I put my own little refrigerator in. The fridge has a little freezer too. It’s awesome and really helps with being able to eat a healthy vegan diet. If your job doesn’t already provide one just buy your own, it’s worth it. I hope my posts help you to be healthier and live longer. Food is powerful medicine and tastes great. I do not miss my old way of eating at all. I just look forward to discovering new recipes and enjoying the plant based foods that I eat now. I believe eating a healthy vegan diet does not just translate into just a few more years on this earth, but could result in a few decades or more! I have many family members and friends who died in there 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s from diseases that were totally preventable! These people could of enjoyed 30, 40, 50, or 60 years more! Time to actually meet your grandchildren or finish seeing them grow up and possibly living long enough to know your great grandchildren. The time we have here is limited, not one of us is going to make it out of here alive! Just think what you could do with 20, 30, or yes even 40 extra years if you just change your diet! Thank you so much for spending part of your day reading my blog! TotallyVeganTom