I recently had steamed Broccoli because Bone Fish Grill had really no other vegan options and I absolutely loved it! Broccoli is a super food with many health benefits. My wife and I went to Orlando to see Cirque du Soleil’s, Luzia. We stopped at Bonefish before the show. I did not realize that would be the night that broccoli would become a favorite food for me! I had started to eat broccoli a few months ago but I would need to cut it into small pieces and eat small amounts mixed with mostly rice. Probably due to psychological damage from my childhood, being forced to eat vegetables. That 70’s style of parenting could be a little rough! Excited about having a major breakthrough with a food that I thought I would never eat, the next day I bought a steamer pot on Amazon.

I made my steamed broccoli and put it over brown rice and added some corn. The combinations of different foods that you could use are many. I used black pepper and then experimented with different flavors and they were all good. I used some paprika on part of my plate, then used some ground mustard. I also sprinkled some nutritional yeast and that was a great flavor too! Next time I’m curious to see how it is with some ginger or turmeric.

Nutritional yeast is something I use on different dishes. Pasta, stir fry, and it’s good in soup too. There are different brands that I use and they all include the illusive B12 vitamin that vegans so desperately need. I get one from Publix and the other from Amazon. Publix has Bragg premium nutritional yeast seasoning and Rawmesan is available on Amazon.

Broccoli is an excellent source of vitamin C and just a half cup has 8% of your daily potassium. Broccoli is low in calories making it a great food for weight loss too. Calcium, fiber, and vitamins A, E, and K are abundant nutrition in this super food as well as omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. There are also phytonutrients that studies show are powerful for preventing cancer. People who consume large amounts of broccoli have much lower rates of many cancers, like breast, prostate, colon and lung cancer. Broccoli is also a good food for promoting strong healthy bones. Read more about broccoli on the livestrong.com website at https://www.livestrong.com/article/531674-nutrition-value-of-steamed-broccoli/

The purpose of this blog is to promote good health with diet. I am on a journey to learn all I can about the power of food to achieve health and wellness for a longer healthier life. Life is short and I don’t want mine to be shorter because of what I eat. I want to share this information because I feel like most people don’t know about it and if they did maybe they would do things differently. Would someone who survived breast cancer still eat cheese and drink milk if they knew that those foods were linked to causing breast cancer? Who knows, but I think most people are just unaware that it has been linked. Same for colon cancer, would a survivor of that horrible disease still eat sausage when it’s linked to colon cancer? Again, I believe most people are unaware and believe, oh it’s genetic, nothing I can do about it. So, that is the purpose of my blog and I will continue to raise awareness of food caused diseases as I learn more about them. Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my blog. Now go steam some broccoli and experiment with different healthy, plant based foods to improve your health! TotallyVeganTom