By Dr. John A. McDougall, MD and Mary McDougall
If I had to pick one book to recommend to people so they could get a complete understanding of food and nutrition it would be, The Starch Solution, by Dr. John McDougall, MD, and Mary McDougall . This book has information about how the animal foods that people eat cause many of the diseases that are killing us today, like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and autoimmune diseases like Multiple Sclerosis,Type 1 Diabetes, and Rheumatoid Arthritis, and explains the science behind it in a way that’s easy to understand. Giving examples of other cultures that do not suffer from the same diseases that are prevalent with the western diet or SAD diet( Standard American Diet). The book also has many testimonials from what Dr. McDougall refers to as star Mcdougallers. People who have turned their life around by losing weight. Others that have beat cancer or drastically reduced the symptoms of, or were completely cured of Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Type 2 Diabetes, Heart Disease, Crohn’s disease and more. Cancer cured by spontaneous healing including, breast cancer, colon cancer, brain cancer, kidney cancer, melanoma, and prostate cancer. The book addresses how animal foods, specifically, animal protein, causes acidity in your body that harms your bones and can damage your kidneys. Why plant protein is superior to animal protein and how much protein does a person actually need as well as busting myths on how much of all the other vitamins and minerals we need. Why getting your vitamins and minerals from food is the best way to get all your nutrition and not from supplements. The book addresses the Fake News and government corruption in the food industry. Sadly even some of our top Universities driven by corporate dollars are in on the scam and the USDA is a joke! The book talks about the environmental impact that the meat industry has on the earth and the toll it is taking on the planet. The book comes with a PDF of 100 recipes from Mary McDougall. I am looking forward to reviewing many of these recipes on this blog, probably starting with the one for banana ice cream. I highly recommend this book for anyone who wants to learn what your own doctor might not tell you or they just don’t know. Doctors study very little about nutrition and after reading or listening to this book you will probably know more than he or she! If you don’t have time to sit down and read you can listen to this book on Audible. I have listened to this book five times already and it seems like I learn more each time I listen. I highly recommend Audible too, especially if you have ADD like I do, it opens up a whole world of learning that was previously difficult for me. Thank you for visiting Totally-Vegan.com and supporting my blog, I really do appreciate it. TotallyVeganTom
Some great information about vitamin D from the book, The Starch Solution, by Dr. John McDougall. Listen to or read this great book and get all the information about vitamin D so you can make the best choice for your health. Remember, your doctor probably had very little education about nutrition so you have to be proactive! #TotallyVeganTom