I have been trying to find a good vegan cheese sauce but it seemed liked all the vegan cheese is made from nuts, mostly cashews. I already have a good Alfredo sauce, and vegan sour cream on my blog. They are made with cashews, and nuts are high in fat. People say, oh, but they’re good fats, but guess what? There are really no good fats. If you are trying to lose weight and reverse heart disease, like many of us are, fat should be a small percentage of your calorie intake. Fat is usually less than ten percent of my calories now, and on many days it falls to about the 4-7 percent range. Could there be a cheese sauce that tastes like cheese and has zero fat? I was starting to wonder. Since February of 2019 I have adopted a low fat vegan diet, and finding a cheese sauce like this would definitely be a game changer.

Then one day while surfing the internet for new recipes, I came across a you tube video for Jill’s 5 minute game changer cheese sauce. I made it, and it’s awesome! It is so easy to make and the best part is that it has zero fat! It’s not made from cashews, or any other nut. The 2 main ingredients are roasted red peppers and rolled oats, I know, it’s crazy! I have a couple of tips and one tweak to this recipe and the first time I made it exactly like Jill’s YouTube video and the second time with one minor change and guess what? You can’t tell the difference but it might be healthier my way, so try it for yourself, and make your own choice on which way to make it. The only ingredient I changed was, I substituted 2 teaspoons of smoked paprika for the quarter teaspoon of liquid smoke. The ingredients for the liquid smoke included, hydrolyzed soy protein, and I’m not sure if that’s like isolated soy protein but why take the chance, and like I said, it taste the same with the smoked paprika. Isolated soy protein like in the impossible burger and beyond meat and basically all the fake vegan meats act the same way in the human body as animal protein does. I believe these proteins cause cancer, and contribute to many of the health issues people are suffering with today but that’s a whole other blog post and you can find out everything about that on my blog if you want to learn more, now back to the recipe! The other problem I came across is that it appears that Jill’s blender, actually heats the sauce as it blends it and mine does not. So my cheese sauce was watery but still tasted good. After talking to my sister Joann, she suggested that I could try heating the sauce in a pot to thicken it. She was right, the sauce thickened nicely! You have to use low heat and stir frequently and if you over do it just add a little water to thin it out. This extra step adds a little more time to the recipe, and one more thing to clean but is still easy to make. Someday, I’ll get the fancy blender and eliminate this step!

Here are the ingredients
- 2 cups of rolled oats
- 1/4 cup of corn starch
- 1/2 cup of nutritional yeast
- 2 teaspoons of onion powder
- 2 teaspoons of salt
- 12 ounces roasted red peppers in water ( you put the whole jar in with the water)
- 1/4 teaspoon of liquid smoke or 2 teaspoons of smoked paprika
- 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
- 4 cups of water
Put all the ingredients in the blender and blend for 5 minutes, remember if you have the fancy blender like Jill, then your done, if not then pour into a pot and heat for about 10 minutes on low heat until you get it to your desired thickness. Remember to stir frequently.

These are the peppers I use and you can get them at BJ’s. It’s a 24 ounce jar so I make two batches. Below are the oats I use, and I get them from Publix.

It’s been a while since I’ve posted to my blog but I’m back! Thank you for following me on social media! My goal is to make the information available for people to transition to a plant based vegan diet and avoid the mistakes I’ve made. Providing tasty healthy recipes so you can enjoy your vegan journey with great healthy food! Here is a link to Jill’s YouTube video, I hope you like the cheese sauce as much as my family does, and unlike cheese made from dairy this is actually good for you and will not make you sick! TotallyVeganTom https://search.yahoo.com/search?p=jill%27s+game+changer+cheese+sauce&fr=yfp-hrmob-s&fr2=p%3Afp%2Cm%3Asa&.tsrc=yfp-hrmob-s&type=&fp=1&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8